At Attenborough, we follow the WILD Passport Scheme of Learning for Forest Schools. All of our learners have a weekly opportunity to develop their skills within our extensive Forest School area.

The WILD Passport is a skill, knowledge and competency based outdoor learning curriculum and progression monitoring system. Providing a five year curriculum, the WILD Passport has 125 Learning Outcomes split over five separate competencies to take learners from the very foundations of woodland skills right through to an advanced level. Designed as a stand alone programme to support existing outdoor learning approaches such as Forest Schools, the WILD Passport provides a framework for evidencing learner progression and achievement, providing justification for the provision of outdoor learning opportunities.
“The WILD Passport is a useful framework for monitoring skill progression, whether as part of a Forest School programme or as a stand alone outdoor learning programme. The WILD Passport programme could help many schools to strengthen and support the argument for increased access to natural areas and outdoor learning in general by increasing the ease with which teachers can evidence the knowledge and practical skill gains made by learners during their outdoor learning experiences. ”