Every learner at Attenborough School is encouraged to become a confident, capable and enthusiastic writer who will develop a love for writing .Through nurturing real and purposeful writing opportunities, along with the technical skills of grammar, spelling, punctuation and handwriting, our writers are encouraged to write in order to express themselves and communicate for a range of purposes. Through facilitating exciting learning opportunities, our writers are confident to read their writing aloud for enjoyment and to an audience.
In writing, our goal is for all our learners to be equipped with the necessary skills to write grammatically correctly; we also encourage them to be creative and through a range of texts, use their imagination to convey what’s in their head onto to paper and to do this effectively. As well as this, we inspire our learners to write for impact and audience, through purposeful and engaging practices fostered within meaningful learning experiences.
Writing and our Global Theme Curriculum
Learning in English is ignited from our Global Citizen Curriculum. Each global theme is linked to our core text in English and writing opportunities initiate from the themes taught in our global curriculum. At Attenborough, we believe that through our global theme, we are teaching the children to write for meaningful purposes, with the understanding that through developing their knowledge and understanding, we are helping to develop children who are passionate about creating a more just and sustainable world. Each global theme is linked to a core text and genres are chosen to highlight and to complement the global theme learning; texts are chosen carefully and with thought, ensuring they are current and help to support our learners on their journey to becoming positive citizens of the future.
At Attenborough, we have created our own hybrid model for writing. Collectively, we looked at the main elements of effective writing based on various models and research. This resulted in the following steps for successful writing:
- Global Curriculum Text and Attenborough Reading Skills
- Text deconstruction
- Planning and drafting
- Revising and Editing
- Publishing
- Performance and purpose
Grammar and punctuation skills are taught using the National Curriculum, through the unit of writing in Key Stage 1 and discretely in Key Stage 2-three times a week in years 3&4 and daily in Years 5&6.
English Overview of Genres and Global Curriculum Texts
The Attenborough Writing Model
Our writers are published authors

We are very proud to be a ‘Pobble’ School. Writers here at Attenborough are published authors, with their writing regularly published on Pobble.
We also use Pobble as a tool to support self and peer assessment, to explore other writers from different schools around the world and to enhance our home learning offer.
Furthermore, we also have links with other schools around the globe to share our writing and to exercise our moderation skills.
Please follow the link and sign up for free to view our very own Pobble Home page -here you will find a dedicated page to the brilliant authors of Attenborough School.
Click here to find out more about the Oxfam Global Citizenship Themes Global Citizenship & English
English at Attenborough: Our Why
As part of our journey in designing a global curriculum, we were inspired by the EEF Recommendations for Improving Literacy.