We use the Penpals Handwriting Scheme to deliver our handwriting curriculum. Penpals for Handwriting is a complete handwriting scheme for 3-11-year olds, offering clear progression through five developmental stages. It supports and teaches children to develop a fast and fluent handwriting style to help them achieve their potential in writing.
Each year group is equipped with a DVD-ROM for whole class teaching and practice books, as well as write-in workbooks for small group and individual work. The scheme offers a clear progression throughout, starting with the development of fine and gross motor skills in Foundation Stage 1 and building up to purposeful writing with style and speed in Year 6.
Handwriting Progression

Information for Parents
Here you will find some information about how you can support handwriting at home.

Ensure your child has the correct letter formation by using this handy guide.
Click below to download a copy.